California State Senate
Senator Bill Leonard


July 19, 1995


The Honorable Delaine Eastin
State Superintendent of Public Instruction
California Department of Education
P.O. Box 944272
Sacramento, CA 94244-2720

Dear Delaine:

Yesterday I sent a staff member to a meeting of the School-to Career Curriculum Framework and Criteria Committee specifically because I have heard from parents who are concerned about the school-to-career proposals. The meeting was open to the public and there was even time on the agenda for public comments. Yet, my request, and that of other interested parties, for copies of the draft documents being considered by the Committee at this open meeting was denied. Neither Committee members nor Department of Education staff would provide me with the documents. I was told if indeed there were documents (and clearly there were), I could get them today, which is of little help since the committee meeting is over. How is the public, how are parents, supposed to be able to comment if they cannot even look at the documents being considered?

In addition to the secrecy, I am concerned about the tone of the meeting and the school-to-career proposals. The comments made by Committee member Douglas Renwick raised the hair on the back of my neck. He said, "by design, we are doing social engineering. We're using education to consciously invent the future of our culture and our society. Let's get to it and acknowledge what we're doing.' Mr. Renwick also stated that Hitler's Nazis gave social engineering a bad name and implied that if good people were the engineers, then social engineering would be acceptable. No one else on the committee objected to or questioned these outrageous comments.

It is impossible to support school-to-career reforms if those implementing the changes are motivated by social engineering. It does not matter whether the engineers are Nazis or kindergarten teachers -- the idea that a government bureaucracy can better determine the direction of your child's life than the parents is frightening. It is Big Brother and it is being funded by our tax dollars right now.

And just like last year's CLAS debacle, the school-to-career plans are shrouded in secrecy and neglecting to involve parents or legislators in the process. When citizens cannot find out what the government is doing with public funding, it causes suspicion and controversy. When that secrecy is accompanied by totalitarian remarks like those of Mr. Renwick, parents ought to be very scared.

California public schools ought to teach all students how to read, write, calculate, analyze, and think. With these skills and foundational knowledge, students will be prepared to enter any occupation or career they choose. People in this county are limited only by their dreams and how hard they are willing to work. To predetermine their occupational skills or career paths is wrong, dangerous, and ugly.

Delaine, because of our past conversations, I know that you are interested in involving parents and legislators in public education. I would encourage you to reinforce this idea with Department staff and guarantee parents and legislators access to all materials and information necessary to be involved in reforms. Only in this way can you gain their trust, cooperation and, ultimately, support. If I can be of additional assistance in these matters please do not hesitate to call.


Bill Leonard, Senator

BL: cmb


Diana M. Fessler · 7530 Ross Road · New Carlisle, OH  ·   45344
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